The Detroit River Canadian Cleanup will host its 5th Annual Detroit River Evening at the Great Lakes Institute
for Environmental Research (GLIER), on Tuesday, June 16 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
The evening will begin with updates on the progress of the Remedial Action Plan and release of the annual report. Following this, guest speaker, Jon Bondy, will give a presentation about his career and life on the river. Jon is a local fishing guide who has been fishing the Detroit River since childhood. He has spent over 20 years guiding the Detroit River and has been featured in many newspaper and magazine articles, as well as on local and national TV.
Everyone is welcome to attend!! The event is free and light refreshments will be served so registration is requested HERE or contact by June15.
The Essex Region Conservation Authority initiated an educational program this year, aimed at teaching high school students about the use of benthic invertebrates in water quality monitoring. Benthic invertebrates are the critters that live on, and in, the sediment at the bottom of waterbodies. Depending on the species found in a location, inferences can be made about water quality in that waterbody. The Detroit River Canadian Cleanup joined ERCA in classrooms at Maranatha Christian Academy, Walkerville Collegiate Institute and Tecumseh Vista Academy to teach students about the Detroit River Area of Concern, our Remedial Action Plan, and the Degradation of Benthos Beneficial Use Impairment.
Students then went out into the Detroit River watershed and put what they’d learned to use! Samples were collected from River Canard and one of its tributaries and brought back to the classroom so students could try their hand at invertebrate identification.
Join the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup at the Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant Open House (4155 Ojibway Parkway) on Saturday, June 20 from 10am-2pm. The event is free to the public and includes plant tours, exhibits and activities for the whole family. Come out and learn about “where it goes… when you go.”