Join us at Lakeshore Cinemas on Thursday, February 18th for a free screening of the award-winning documentary PROJECT: ICE.
Formed by ice, filled by ice, often covered by ice, the Great Lakes encapsulate human exploration, migration, development and where we’re headed. PROJECT ICE views North America’s fresh water inland ocean through the prism of ice, from the crossroads of history, science and climate change.
The move is FREE but registration is required. REGISTER HERE!
February 11, 2016: 7:00 p.m. – Holiday Beach Conservation Area, Amherstburg
Learn about the owls of Southwestern Ontario, their adaptations, physiology and more. Weather permitting, attendees will also walk through the woods of the Holiday Beach Conservation Area on a guided hike, looking and listening for owls. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Admission: $5/person, $15/family. To register, visit
The governments of Canada and the United States have published a draft report that documents groundwater science relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. The governments are seeking public comments on the draft report until January 31, 2016. The draft report is a product of extensive collaboration among experts in a variety of subject areas and summarizes current knowledge on groundwater in the Great Lakes region. Please visit for more information and to submit feedback.