Essex County Geocachers to Host Fall Cleanup at Devonwood Conservation Area

Cache In – Trash Out!

Essex County Geocachers will be holding their fall CITO (cache in trash out) event at Devonwood Conservation Area Saturday September 30th 2017. Participants will meet in the parking area at 10:30am, the trash cleanup will begin at 11:00pm and run until about 1:00pm.

All Are Welcome!

If you would like to learn about Geocaching and/or just participate in cleaning up this great urban park within Windsor city limits please stop by. Park info and direction can be found at this link:

  • Cleanup supplies will be provided for all volunteers.
  • Please bring a water bottle and any snacks you might need.
  • Wear sturdy shoes such as rubber boots or hiking boots. No open toed shoes or flip-flops.
  • It is a good idea to pack sunscreen and bug spray.

For more questions about the cleanup event, please contact Michael Burr at

Essex County Geocachers


It is the goal of the Essex County Geocachers organization to provide information and support to the Southern Ontario Geocachers community. To help educate both new cachers and our community in general about our sport/hobby. We will work with land managers, property owners and municipalities to provide information about geocaching showing the benefits this can have to our communities such as tourism. To learn more, click here:

ECGC Group Photo

Essex County Geocachers

Is Your Urban Forest Healthy?

Save trees in your community by becoming a forest health volunteer!

You’re Invited to attend the Forest Health Volunteer Training Session to learn to detect insect and disease problems in trees.


When: Wednesday July 26th 2017 Volunteer Training Poster Final-page-001

Time: 6pm to 8pm

Where: Ojibway Nature Centre, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor, ON

RSVP by e-mailing

Download the poster here.

Herb Gray Parkway Vegetation and Snakes Factsheet

An information factsheet on snakes for property owners published by the Ministry of Transportation relating to the Herb Gray Parkway is now available. The factsheet introduces snakes native to the area as well as best management practices landowners can adopt to protect them.  

AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO- JULY 11, 2013- Canard River Park- Eastern Foxsnake photo by Simon Wilson/ Canadian Press Images

AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO- JULY 11, 2013- Canard River Park- Eastern Foxsnake photo by Simon Wilson/ Canadian Press Images










Download Here

Snake Factsheet_FINAL ENGLISH

Snake BMPs Factsheet_FINAL FRENCH

Draft Binational Strategies for Chemicals of Mutual Concern Available for Public Review

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement commits Canada and the United States to prepare and issue Binational Strategies to reduce the release and impact of Chemicals of Mutual Concern (CMC). The draft strategies for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) are now available for public review on

* DRAFT Binational Strategy for PCB Risk Management PDF (1.9 MB)
* DRAFT Binational Strategy for HBCD Risk Management PDF (964K)

At this time, we are offering interested agencies, organizations, and individuals an opportunity to provide comments on the draft binational strategies. Webinars to present the strategies, answer questions and receive comments will be held on June 28, 2017 from 10am-12pm EST / 9am-11am CST (starting with PCB followed by HBCD) and on July 13, 2017 from 10am-12pm EST / 9am-11am CST (starting with PCB followed by HBCD).


Call-in number: 1-877-413-4790. Conference ID: 3112040.

More information on the Chemicals of Mutual Concern can be found at
Please use the Contact Us page to direct your submissions and questions by July 17, 2017.

Detroit River Family Fishing Day

In partnership with Caesars Windsor Cares, the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup (DRCC) hosted a free Family Fishing Day at Assumption Park in Windsor on July 8, 2017. This inaugural event took place during Ontario Family Fishing Event week when residents can fish in Ontario waters without the mandatory license. With the help of volunteers and expert anglers from Just Fishing Friends and the Windsor Sportsmen’s Club, over 100 participants experienced fishing on the Detroit River!

The DRCC was also on hand to provide information to participants about restoration and clean up projects, stats on increasing fish populations, and how to safely consume fish from the river. The Detroit River Canadian Cleanup would like to thank Wally’s Baits, the Windsor Sportsmen’s Club and the Lakeshore Sportsmen and Conservation Club for supporting this event and providing angling equipment donations for participants to take home! Special thanks to Just Fishin’ Friends for providing their expert angling advice and introducing participants to the sport. Big thanks to all our volunteers who made this event happen!

To see the CTV Windsor coverage, click here.

Detroit River Family Fishing Day Gallery


Get Involved!

From tree plantings and clean ups, to advocacy and education programs, CLICK HERE to find out how you can be involved with protecting and enhancing the Detroit River.