The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) commits Canada and the United States to prepare and issue Binational Strategies to reduce the release and impact of Chemicals of Mutual Concern (CMCs). The draft Binational Screening Criteria for Nominated CMCs is now available for public review on These draft screening criteria were developed to provide a consistent framework for reviewing nominated CMCs under the GLWQA. The period for interested agencies, organizations, and individuals to provide comments on the draft binational screening criteria is from November 15, 2019 to December 16, 2019.
DRAFT Binational Screening Criteria for Nominated Chemicals of Mutual Concern (PDF)
Kindly use the Contact Us page to direct your submissions and questions by December 16, 2019.
More information on the Chemicals of Mutual Concern can be found at
Great Lakes National Program Office / Regional Director General (Ontario)
Environment and Climate Change Canada / Government of Canada / Tel: 416-739-4964
TD Tree Day Windsor 2019
Gina Pannunzio, Kelly Laforest and Ian Naisbitt
Woke up today and checked the foreboding weather forecast:
“Frost advisory in effect for: Windsor – Leamington – Essex County and
Special weather statement in effect for: Windsor – Leamington – Essex County.” More details included: increasing cloudiness. Rain beginning this afternoon. Amount 5 mm. Wind becoming southeast 20 km/h gusting to 40 near noon. High 13. UV index 2 or low. Regardless of the advisory and special weather statement, it looked like there was a window of opportunity to plant the trees and shrubs in the morning. We always have a positive attitude that volunteers will be able to get the job done.
In the past, volunteers have persevered and cleaned up or planted trees in all kinds of wicked weather: pelting rain or snow with blustery winds. It builds character and adds to our stories we tell friends and family, right?
The planting site is located in the Detroit River Watershed in East Windsor’s Little River Corridor Park, east of the Ganatchio Trail and south of Wyandotte Street. This natural area is the same site that our community has planted numerous times to celebrate Earth Day.
Over 125 volunteers, including children, their parents and other community groups participated by digging holes; planting, wrapping and mulching 350 trees! We started planting at 9:00 a.m. and the job was completed just after 12 noon.
On Saturday, 26 October, TD Bank sponsored their TD Tree Day Windsor program by inviting our Windsor-Essex community to help TD employees plant trees. Groups that participated included: City of Windsor, Detroit River Canadian Cleanup, Essex Region Conservation Authority, Essex County Nature – Little River Enhancement Group, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, Caesars Windsor – CodeGreen, students from the University of Windsor and local secondary schools, the How To Crew and members of the Windsor Junior Spitfires Hockey Minor Hockey Association.
The heavy afternoon and evening rain were a great help to settle the soil around the newly planted trees.
Trees Provided Fall Colours for us to Enjoy

The species of trees that we planted included: Basswood, Elderberry, Buttonbush, Swamp White Oak, Nannyberry, American Sycamore, Freeman Maple and Red Cedar.
Essex County Nature – Little River Enhancement Group would like to thank TD Bank, Essex Region Conservation Authority and the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup for planning this community event in the Little River Watershed. This volunteer effort addressed the Beneficial Use Impairment, “Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat” of the Remedial Action Plan by improving the ecosystem health of the Detroit River Watershed.
Today’s TD Tree Day Windsor planting event brings the total number of trees and shrubs planted by community volunteers in the Little River Watershed to 44669.
We Appreciate the Efforts of Local Volunteers