Did you know that every item of plastic that has ever been created is still on the planet today?
Join the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup for a free screening of A PLASTIC OCEAN.
The screening will take place at the Capitol Theatre, 121 University Ave W, Windsor, ON. Doors will open at 6pm, film begins at 6:30pm and a panel discussion will follow.
A Plastic Ocean is an award-winning feature length documentary brought to you by a group of dedicated scientists, film-makers, social entrepreneurs, scholars, environmentalists and journalists, that explores the fragile state of our oceans and uncovers alarming truths about the consequences of our disposable lifestyle.
A Plastic Ocean documents the global effects of plastic pollution and highlights workable technologies and innovative solutions that everyone – from governments to individuals – can do, to create a cleaner and greener ocean. Sir David Attenborough calls a Plastic Ocean “One of the most important films of our time.”
Event Details
Film starts at 6:30 pm, doors open at 6 pm at the Capitol Theatre, 121 University Ave. W., Windsor. ADMISSION IS FREE BUT REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Please contact Jacqueline Serran, serran@detroitriver.ca, 519-776-5209 ext 356
Do I have to bring a ticket to the event?
No – we’ll have a registration list in the lobby of the theatre to check you in when you arrive!
What if I reserve tickets but end up not being able to attend?
If your plans change and you’re unable to attend, please let us know by emailing or calling as soon as possible so that we can offer the tickets to others. THIS IS A SOLD OUT EVENT EVERY YEAR – but, unfortunately, seats go empty because of ‘no shows’. Please be considerate of those on the wait list and cancel your registration!