June 8, 2018
Media Release
For Immediate Release
Celebrating Restoration Milestones for the Detroit River
Windsor, ON – Join the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup (DRCC) on Wednesday, June 14th 2023 for free boat rides to Peche Island and attend the 12th annual Detroit River Evening.
“These offerings are a terrific opportunity for anyone interested in the health of the river to come out and learn about all the work being done by our partners,” said Paul Drca, Detroit River Canadian Cleanup Remedial Action Plan Coordinator. “There has been a lot of progress towards the Detroit River’s revival, and we are looking forward to sharing those stories in person again this year.”
Free Peche Island Boat Rides from Lakeview Park Marina
All are welcome to board the City of Windsor’s Peche Island boat ride on June 14th 2023, for free, courtesy of the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup. Tours on this day will depart from the Lakeview Park Marina on Riverside Drive east in Windsor. To pre-register, contact the Centralized Registration & Booking Centre at 519-255-1161 by phone or at CRBC@citywindsor.ca by email. For more information about Peche Island and to plan your visit, head to the City of Windsor’s page https://www.citywindsor.ca/residents/parksandforestry/city-parks/pages/peche-island-.aspx.
Free Peche Island Restoration Boat Tours
Join expert interpreters on June 14th 2023 from the Essex Region Conservation Authority and Detroit River Canadian Cleanup on a guided boat tour circling Peche Island to highlight the significant erosion protection and restoration efforts that were completed in 2022. The tours will depart from the Windsor Yacht Club (9000 Riverside Dr E, Windsor, ON ) dock on the hour between 2pm and 5pm, as well as quarter after each hour between 2:15pm and 5:15pm. Visit https://pecheislandrestorationboattour.eventbrite.ca for more information and to book your free ticket.
Detroit River Evening
The 12th Annual Detroit River Evening will take place also on June 14th from 6pm to 8pm at the Windsor Yacht Club (9000 Riverside Dr E, Windsor, ON). The Detroit River Evening is a free, public event to highlight the coordinated efforts to improve the Detroit River and remove it from the list of Great Lakes’ Areas of Concern. Learn about some of the current research projects aimed at protecting, restoring and enhancing the Detroit River ecosystem. Updates will include a presentation from Dr. John Hartig about restoration on the Rouge River and from Mike Fisher, the President of the Friends of the Ojibway Prairie, discussing the proposed Ojibway National Urban Park. We will also release the DRCC’s annual report for 2022-2023.
Everyone is welcome to learn more about what the DRCC partnership is doing for the Detroit River and its watershed. The event is free, but space is limited, and registration is required. Please register online at http://www.detroitriver.ca/dre2023.
Digital Media Attached: The Peche Island restoration project was completed in fall, 2022.
Contact: Paul Drca, A/Remedial Action Plan Coordinator
519-776-5209 x356 or 519-982-3722 (DRCC)