Position Title: Agronomic Land Management Specialist
Term: January 3, 2017 or ASAP to August 31, 2018
Location: 125 Resources Road, Etobicoke, ON or University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, or another location may be negotiated
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Full Description
The University of Windsor, Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research (GLIER), seeks a highly motivated, well organized individual to execute a campaign to survey the agricultural land management practices in 10 small headwater catchments in southern Ontario. Job duties include: 1) design an appropriate sampling strategy to ensure a representative sample of land management practices across each watershed is achieved; 2) organize community events to promote and disseminate project information; 3) coordinate, procure, and manage services from qualified specialists such as Certified Crop Advisors or Conservation Authority personnel to administer farm-operator surveys and appropriate laboratories to perform soil testing; 4) prepare, curate, and evaluate data gathered; and 5) organize and attend meetings between various non-governmental organizations, Conservation Authorities, academic, and government researchers.
- Comfortable initiating and running meetings, presenting in front of groups of people, and telephoning/meeting with project partners such as Conservation Authorities, farm operators, members of the public, and local fertilizer providers/agronomists/Certified Crop Advisors;
- Ability to work independently in a fast-paced team environment
- Applicants must possess post-secondary credentials in soil science, agronomy, agricultural engineering, or a related field;
- Ability to organize and prioritize work, meet deadlines;
- Excellent interpersonal and written/oral communication skills, attention to detail, and proven ability to write scientific and/or technical reports;
- Working knowledge of Microsoft Office or a comparable office product;
- Experience working with geographic information systems software, statistical analysis software, and relational databases (e.g. Access) and maintaining large datasets is desired but not essential;
- Knowledge of nutrient management software (e.g., NMAN) is desired but not essential;
- Familiarity with farming practices carried out currently and historically in Ontario is desired but not essential;
- Experience working with farming communities in Ontario is strongly desired but not essential; and
- Applicants must have a valid Ontario driver’s license.
Applications will be reviewed starting December 15, 2016 and will continue until the position is filled.
Applications should consist of a resume and a cover letter describing how the applicant meets the requested qualifications. Cover letter should be 2 pages maximum. Resume should include references, which may be contacted by the project team. Applications or questions about the position can be sent by email to:
Dr. Christopher Wellen
Research Assistant Professor
Great Lakes Institute of Environmental Research
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario christopher.wellen@uwindsor.ca
Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas Program
The Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA) Program is a program that works to identify, monitor, and conserve the world’s most important sites for birds and biodiversity. Sites are designated using a science-based approach which sets criteria and thresholds for trigger species. In Canada IBAs are triggered mainly by threatened species, and significant congregations of birds. The exemplary IBA Caretaker Network (started in 2006 in B.C.) took off in Ontario in 2013. Caretakers are volunteers who monitor bird populations, report on threats to IBAs, work with partners on stewardship activities, and help build community awareness about the importance of IBAs.
Lower Detroit River Important Bird and Biodiversity Area
The globally significant Lower Detroit River IBA which extends from the north end of Fighting Island to the mouth at Lake Erie, is important for congregations of birds and waterfowl. Ring-billed Gulls were originally a trigger species (in 1990 there were 34,021 pairs, 3.9% of the North American population on Fighting Island). Recently the gull colony has changed, but Canvasbacks still occur in significant numbers (in 2015, birders counted 9000 along the IBA, 1.7% of its global population)! The IBA is also a winter home to many Redheads and Common Mergansers. Pollution of the river and surrounding wetland areas is the main conservation concern due to the high population along the river (Windsor, Detroit, LaSalle, Amherstberg). Fortunately, organizations such as the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup and the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club are taking action to protect the area.

The Lower Detroit River IBA at King’s Navy Yard in Amherstberg, ON. Credit: Amanda Bichel
Visit the IBA Canada website to learn more about the IBA Program, Caretaker Network, and how to get involved.
Lower Detroit River IBA Waterbird Count Events
There will be two waterbird count events in the Lower Detroit River IBA this winter on Saturday January 28th and February 25th 2017. The activity will consist of two mornings of identifying waterbirds (mostly ducks) on the river in pre-determined locations. More details will come as we get closer to the date.
Lower Detroit River IBA Waterbird Count Poster
Christmas Bird Count
The ‘
Christmas Bird Count‘ (CBC) is conducted in over 2000 localities across Canada, the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean.Christmas Bird Counts are conducted on any one day between December 14 and January 5 inclusive. They are carried out within a 24-km diameter circle that stays the same from year to year. These bird observations have been amassed into a huge database that reflects the distribution and numbers of winter birds over time. Birds are indicators of the overall health of our environment. As well as adding an exciting and fun event to the holiday season, the Christmas Bird Count provides valuable insight into the long-term health of bird populations and the environment.
Christmas Bird Counts are generally group efforts, though single-observer counts can and do happen. They are organized at the local level, usually by a birding club or naturalists organization. Volunteers are welcome! For more details about a count, please contact the organizer as listed below:
BL – Rondeau – date TDB (Contact Keith J. Burk: keithburk2@xplornet.com)
NS – Lakeshore – date TBD (Contact eaglecoach@cogeco.ca)
CC – Cedar Creek – December 17th 2016 (Contact Paul Pratt: naturalist@primus.ca)
PP – Point Pelee – date TBD. (Contact Sarah Rupert: tanager@sympatico.ca)
HB Holiday Beach – December 27th 2016 (Contact Jeremy Hatt: hattjeremy@hotmail.com)
SC – Saint Clair – date TBD (Contact Allen Woodliffe awoodliffe@hotmail.com)
Contact Information
To contact the Ontario IBA Coordinator, e-mail: ontarioiba@birdscanada.org
To contact the CBC Coordinator, e-mail: cbc@birdscanada.org
In September 2009, Lake Sturgeon were listed as threatened for the Great Lakes – Upper St. Lawrence and Northwestern Ontario populations and as special concern for the Hudson Bay – James Bay population. There is a ban in Ontario to commercially and sport fish Lake Sturgeon. We’re seeing a comeback in the Detroit River population, and have put effort into creating habitat for the gentle river giant.
In October 2016, the Toronto Star published an article to raise awareness of the growing issue concerning Lake Sturgeon poaching and what people can do if they suspect this type of activity. For those who are out boating or hiking along waterways and notice things such as large pools of blood on the ground, heavy fishing line to pull sturgeon in or even fish tied up along the shoreline, contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
Read the full Toronto Star article here.