September 28, 2017
Media Release
For Immediate Release
FCA Windsor Assembly Celebrates 10 Years of Digging In
Windsor – On Sunday, October 1st, FCA Canada’s Joint Workplace Environment Committee (JWEC) will team up with the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) and the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup (DRCC) to create more meadow habitat in Windsor. Over the past 10 years, Unifor Local 444 and FCA Canada management staff from the Windsor Assembly Plant have planted over 1000 native trees, shrubs, grasses and wildflowers at various sites around the facility for butterflies and other wildlife. With funding support of over $60,000 from the DRCC, planting expertise provided by ERCA, and the muscle of the Windsor Assembly employees, this decade long partnership has contributed significantly to restoration efforts within the Detroit River watershed.
“We at Windsor Assembly take very seriously our local environment,” says Dan Mustac, FCA Windsor Assembly Plant Environment Pillar Lead. “Plantings such as these help maintain and expand the local biodiversity and ensure the beautiful Windsor-Essex flora and fauna are here for future generations to enjoy.” FCA Canada is committed to greening the community, and this 10th anniversary planting represents one more step in this endeavor. The JWEC, ERCA and the DRCC are pleased to partner in this ongoing effort.
The Detroit River Canadian Cleanup implements the Remedial Action Plan on behalf of a community-based partnership between the government (federal, provincial, municipal), local industries, researchers, environmental organizations, and citizens working together to protect, restore, and enhance the Detroit River ecosystem.
For more than four decades, Essex Region Conservation has been sustaining and enriching the environment of the Windsor-Essex-Pelee Island region to ensure it is the Place for Life.
For over 20 years the Joint Workplace Environment Committee has been engaging Windsor Assembly Employees about the Environment and its importance to us all.
Digital Media Below: Chrysler Meadow Location and Parking for October 1 Event.
Media Contacts: Danielle Stuebing
Director of Community Outreach Services
Essex Region Conservation Authority
519-776-5209, ext. 352
Lou Ann Gosselin
Head of Communications
Chrysler Canada
Office: 519-973-2253
Cell: 519-984-2600

On Saturday September 23 2017, guests from across Windsor-Essex celebrated World Rivers Day by crossing the Detroit River to visit Pêche Island. The island is only accessible by boat, kayak or canoe, and so many of the visitors experienced this hidden gem for their first time. With the help of Windsor Essex County Canoe Club, the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Windsor from the University of Windsor, and Captain Dan Leavoy and his Fish Tank, 531 people and 40 volunteers made their way to the City of Windsor’s hardest to get to park.
While on the island, guests were able to walk around on the trail system, see the historical Hiram Walker summer house ruins as well as 175 year old native trees and lush wetlands. In addition, guests helped to install a new Bald Eagle platform with the hope to encourage the birds to come back to Pêche Island.
Huge thanks to everyone who came out to enjoy the Detroit River and Peche Island. This even couldn’t have been possible without our partners including Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research (GLIER), City of Windsor, Windsor Essex County Canoe Club and Citizens Environment Alliance of Southwestern Ontario.
Pêche Island Day 2017 Photo Gallery
Media Coverage
Windsor Star. (2017). Crowds flock to discover Peche Island. Link: http://windsorstar.com/news/local-news/peche-island-day-draws-huge-crowds
CTV News Windsor. (2017). Record set as heat warning continues. Link: http://windsor.ctvnews.ca/record-set-as-heat-warning-continues-1.3603271
CBC News Windsor. (2017). Windsorites will have rare opportunity to visit Peche Island Saturday. Link: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/windsorites-will-have-rare-opportunity-to-visit-peche-island-saturday-1.4301356
Detroit River Canadian Cleanup. (2017). Celebrate World Rivers Day on Peche Island! Link: http://detroitriver.ca/peche/
WindsoriteDOTca. (2017). Celebrate Peche Island Day. Link: https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiQgdnh1MDWAhVKwWMKHbGZDgsQFggyMAM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwindsorite.ca%2F2017%2F09%2Fcelebrate-peche-island-day%2F&usg=AFQjCNH9tL1jkaY6lHqQB49LW_cU9cEnBA
CBC News Windsor. (2017). Afternoon Drive visits Peche Island. Link: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/programs/afternoondrive/afternoon-drive-visits-peche-island-1.4303768
CBC News Windsor. (2017). Exploring Windsor’s Peche Island. Link: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/exploring-windsor-s-peche-island-1.4303742
Cache In – Trash Out!
Essex County Geocachers will be holding their fall CITO (cache in trash out) event at Devonwood Conservation Area Saturday September 30th 2017. Participants will meet in the parking area at 10:30am, the trash cleanup will begin at 11:00pm and run until about 1:00pm.
All Are Welcome!
If you would like to learn about Geocaching and/or just participate in cleaning up this great urban park within Windsor city limits please stop by. Park info and direction can be found at this link: http://erca.org/conservation-areas-events/conservation-areas/devonwood/
- Cleanup supplies will be provided for all volunteers.
- Please bring a water bottle and any snacks you might need.
- Wear sturdy shoes such as rubber boots or hiking boots. No open toed shoes or flip-flops.
- It is a good idea to pack sunscreen and bug spray.
For more questions about the cleanup event, please contact Michael Burr at mburr08@gmail.com.
Essex County Geocachers

It is the goal of the Essex County Geocachers organization to provide information and support to the Southern Ontario Geocachers community. To help educate both new cachers and our community in general about our sport/hobby. We will work with land managers, property owners and municipalities to provide information about geocaching showing the benefits this can have to our communities such as tourism. To learn more, click here: http://www.essexcountygeocachers.org/

Essex County Geocachers